We are simple, but no simple impact. Proudly Presents, PBI C 2012. Happy Reading!

Course: Writing and Composition 4

Instructor : Lala Bumela

This website created by : College student from The State Institute of Islamic Studies Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, The Dapartment of English Education 2012.


Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Class Review 11: Sacrificing Will be Meaningless

Generally there are no reasons for Papua to separate with Indonesia.  It is because the really fundamental reason also supports Papua as the part of Indonesia.  The first reason is political reason.  This reason was struggled by Prof.Van Vollen Houven in the international appointment 1896 which is emphasized the area of Indonesia is the ex-area of Netherland.  Indeed, Papua is one of those areas.  Therefore Papua is a part of Indonesia.  The second reason is anthropology reason.  This reason contains the real Indonesian who are Homo Wajakensis and Homo Soloensis with the black skin and curly hair.  That characteristic is called as a race Austromelanesoid and race Negroid or Papuan also has the same characteristic as the real Indonesian have, that is the most important.  Indeed Papua is Indonesia. 
Welcome to the 11th class review.  This class review explains about one of my reasons why I agree with Keeping Papua, it is about History.  This point explains about TRIKORA and PEPERA.
1.      TRIKORA (Tri Komando Rakyat)
Trikora is the Indonesia’s effort to take Papua back as the part of Indonesia which had occurred for 2 years.  The beginning of this effort was when Soekarno announced the implementation of Trikora in the main squire of Yogyakarta on 19th of December 1961.  Besides that, Soekarno also established the Komando Mandala and chose General Soeharto as the military high commander to do the Military operation for taking back Papua.  Here is the planning of Trikora:
a.                   Abort the establishment of "State of Papua Dolls" which was made ​​by the Dutch colonial.
b.                  Hoist the Indonesia flag in West Irian.
c.                Prepared for a general mobilization to defend the independence and unity of Indonesia.
Indonesia did whatever the effort only for Papua.  Unfortunately, it was impossible for Indonesia to be the winner only with their passion.  They needed weapon and the other thing that can support them in the war.  Then finally Indonesia could cooperate and made an appointment in weapon trading with Uni Soviet.  Indonesia must spend 2,5 billion as the long term requirement of this cooperation.
Simply Uni Soviet can be called also as the supporter of Indonesia in Trikora.  It was because they provided everything that Indonesia needed.  From Uni Soviet, Indonesia could buy many things especially the military tools to strengthen the power.  Indonesia bought the war transportations, for example; 41 Helicopters MI-4, 9 Helicopters MI-6, 30 Jet planes MiG-15, 49 Buru Sergap Planes MiG-17, 10 Buru Sergap Planes MiG-19, 20 Supersonic Hunter Plane MiG-21, 12 Whiskey Submarines, 22 Bomber planes Ilyushin Il-28, 14 long target bomber planes TU-16, and a ship invaders (which is more famous with KRI Irian).
2.      PEPERA (Act of Free Choice)
New York Agreement commanded Indonesia to manage the “Penentuan Pendapat Rakyat” in Papua which is more famous as PEPERA before the end of 1969.  Then in the beginning of 1969, Indonesia started to manage the PEPERA which had three steps.  First, it is started on the 24th of March 1969.  On that date Indonesia consulted about the rule of PEPERA with council districts in Papua.  Second, there was a PEPERA council election which would be end in June 1969.  Finally, PEPERA was held from Merauke and it would be end in Jayapura on the 4th of August 1969.  PEPERA also was witnessed by representative from UN, Australia, and Netherland.  In fact most of Papuan support Papua as the part of Indonesia, but still there are some opinions that PEPERA did not come from the bottom of  Papuan’s heart.  That is not the point actually, the important is that Indonesia do many thing for Papua.
Indonesia surely has to spend many things only for inviting the representative from Un, Australia, and Netherlands In PEPERA.  Especially it was about the cost.  Not only that, this PEPERA also needed the good security in order the process could run well and to provide the great security Indonesia must give the command to the TNI (Indonesia Soldiers).  That needed cost also.  Then finally there was a fantastic number that the main government of Indonesia in Jakarta spent for PEPERA, 14 billion Rupiah.

The conclusion is, Indonesia has done everything only for Papua.  Indonesia was never doubt to spend much money, energy, and soul only for strengthen the power and take Papua back.  Those were not the only ones that Indonesia spent, but also Indonesia sent their best man for taking back Papua.  Therefore, Indonesia seems like they forget their struggle long time ago which sacrificed many things if Papua separate with Indonesia now.  Then, simply Indonesia can be stated that they themselves make their effort meaningless and totally useless.

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