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Istimewakah Papua sampai tema tersebut dipilih untuk dikupas dalam
argumentative essay kali ini? Apa yang membuat Mr. Lala begitu tertarik dengan
masalah ini? Banyak kemungkinan jawaban di kepalaku mengenai hal itu dan tak
pernah lelah mengorganisir informasi untuk menulis class review setiap
minggunya. Namun, dari kegiatan ini saya menyadari banyak hal yang tak pernah
terpikirkan sebelumnya. Saya tercengang dengan banyaknya hal-hal yang tak
pernah ku ketahui sebelumnya dan semuanya itu penting untuk dibahas. Banyak
kata “Ternyata” yang muncul dari pikiranku setelah membaca hal-hal yang
berhubungan dengan Papua, khususnya Papua Barat.
class review minggu ini, saya akan membahas mengenai argumentative essay.
Argumentative essay sendiri memiliki kemiripan dengan expository essay. Namun,
tentu keduanya itu berbeda. Perbedaannya terletak pada sifatnya.
essay : Author tidak mempunyai cukup ruang untuk memasukkan pendapat dan
keyakinannya. Fokusnya lebih kepada factual statements daripada klaim yang bisa
essay : dalam argumentative essay, meskipun menurut pendapat author dan dapat
dibantah, akan tetapi harus didukung dengan bukti-bukti, pendapat para ahli dan
analisis serta pemahaman pribadi yang dapat diterima.
ini merupakan outline argumentative essay mengenai Papua :
This paper offers the
argumentative perspective on an article entitled “Don’t Use Your Data as a
Pillow” whose was written by S. Eben Kirksey and the reason why West Papua
should be remaining as a part of Indonesia. West Papua itself integrated to
NKRI was based on the result of Papuan own choice. This article is consists
about the complex problems that exist in West Papua. Its complexity involves
many parties who responsible toward that problems. Here, the problem in
Kirksey’s article involves West Papua, NKRI and BP Company that consist of OPM,
Indonesian military and Indonesian security forces. West Papua itself is the
western region from New Guinea Island that was separated with Papua New Guinea.
West Papua is part of Indonesia. Its region is divided into two part, those are
West Papua Province and Papua Province. The Capital of West Papua Province is
Manokwari and the Capital in Papua province is Jayapura. West Papua integrated
to NKRI on 19th November 1969 through the act of free choice or
PEPERA that was done by all Papuan assembly.
NKRI is formed by the nation of
Indonesia that was born and Independent earlier. Nation of Indonesia itself was
born on 28th October 1928 through the Sumpah Pemuda. Sumpah Pemuda
is a promise or the youth commitment that was innovated by youths from island
and archipelago in Indonesia. So, West Papua is the latest region that
integrated to NKRI. So, this paper will be about the argumentation to against
the independence of West Papua and the reason of it.
In the article that was written by
S. Eben Kirksey, there are some points that can be taken as the issue of this
writing. Those aspects can be seen as a persuasion from Kirksey to persuade the
readers. The first problem is about the violence that was done by Indonesian
military against the Papuan demonstrators. That incident is considered as
genocide. Besides that, that incident made the independence movement more
sustained and caused sympathize from International organization. Here,
Indonesian party is seen as if the responsible one for that incident.
The second aspect, Kirksey mention
the role of the British company, British Petroleum that was changed into Beyond
Petroleum. BP was expected involved with
the violence case that involved Indonesian security forces. Its speculation is
supported by the testimony from the Papuan double-agents that was involved with
that case and his life may be in danger. He explains that BP gave the financial
contribution to that operation.
From the basic points that were
mentioned by Kirksey in his article, there is some aspect that is not balance.
In the Kirksey’s article, Indonesian party is defined as a colonist that made
Papuan suffered. Compared with his testimony writing entitled “Crimes against
Humanity: When Will Indonesia’s Military be Held Accountable for Deliberate and
Systematic Abuses in West Papua” (2010), it is obvious that Kirksey has edited
his data that will be published and read by the reader. In his article, he points
Indonesian party as a traitor that did a crime against the people by mention
the violence case that was done by Indonesia’s military. But, if we look
closely in his testimony writing, Kirksey mention that Indonesia’s military
received money from U.S. Congress up to $ 20 Million. He also hopes that US
will stop to give contribution for Indonesia’s military in order to stop the
violence action. However, if U.S Congress stop their contribution to
Indonesia’s military, it will make the security is weaken. From that case, the
independence movement organization probably will take the advantages to their
affairs. Here, it seems that Kirksey is in OPM side.
West Papua should be remaining as
part of Indonesia is not the matter that unreasonable. Independence is not the
right answer from the violence case in West Papua, because West Papua is not
independent enough to be an independence country. It can be looked by the
condition of West Papua itself. Papua may have the overflowing wealth, but
those all is controlled by foreign company. Indonesia itself almost does not
taste the yield of the wealth of West Papua. Even, the Indonesian military in
West Papua receive the contribution from foreign party. Because of that, it can
be imaged that West Papua will be controlled by foreign party after the
As historical reason, West Papua
integrated to Indonesia is based on their own choice. If we look back in the
past, the struggle of Indonesian party in order to seize West Papua from
colonialism of Nederland was not easy. Indonesian party persists to defend that
region because of Fraternity emotion as the region that was colonized by Dutch.
Besides that, in order to defend West Papua, there were so many efforts that
were done by Indonesian. For example, the formatting of Trikora or People’s
Triple Command, Battle of Arafura Sea, and so many congress that was take a
long time and cost. That is the thing that cannot be compared with the violence
case that happened in West Papua nowadays. Even more, this case is not pure
caused by Indonesian party. From the article that was written by Kirksey, we
can see that exist the party that called Papuan double-agent who confess that
was receive contribution from BP in that violence case. So, that is unfair if
all responsibilities is pointed to Indonesia.
In conclusion, it can be concluded
that the article that was written by S. Eben Kirksey is not balance. It is
proved by the inclination of Kirksey who takes side of Papuan Movements
Independence. The problem that exists in West Papua can be considered as
miscommunication between Papuan party and Indonesian party that is controlled
by foreign party that pretend to be a hero. But, on the contrary, foreign party
is pointed as a savior for Papuan because of the money that is contributed to
their necessity.
So, Indonesian party should have a
solution for this problem if they will defend the West Papua region to remain
as a part of Indonesia. There are some aspects that can be repaired in that
case. First, Indonesia should be fair in order to behave towards West Papua
that included in Indonesia’s territory. For example, Indonesia should handle
the developing of economic, education, construction, and facilities aspects.
Besides that, a good relationship and communication between those two parties
is very important. According to Alwasilah in this book entitled “Rekayasa
Literasi”, he mentions that “Literacy is dealing with language usage, and
nowadays is interdisciplinary studies which have seven purposes that related
each other : Geographic dimension, Domain dimension, Skill dimension, Function
dimension, Media dimension, Amount dimension and Language dimension.”
masih banyak lagi sumber-sumber yang belum sempat saya masukkan dalam outline
di atas. Namun, saya masih perlu memikirkan bagaimana menyusunnya agar pas dan
tepat dengan pembahasan ini. Yang ingin saya masukkan yaitu gambaran atas
perjuangan bangsa Indonesia dalam mempertahankan Papua barat dari tangan
Belanda, modus Amerika dari dulu sampai sekarang yang seolah-olah menjadi
penolong bagi papua barat. Aspek-aspek tersebut belum mempunyai cukup bukti
untuk dimasukkan dalam argumentative essay saya. Selain itu, banyak buku yang
kutemukan di internet mengenai Papua barat, namun buku-buku tersebut menunjuk Indonesia
sebagai tersangka. Jadi, saya masih perlu mencari banyak sumber lagi. Yang
terakhir yakni kerugian yang akan dialami jika Papua merdeka. Hal itu juga
patut menjadi sorotan dalam argumentative essay.
dari penulisan class review kesepuluh ini yakni persiapan untuk mengejakan
argumentative essay. Dalam penulisan argumentative essay ini haruslah memiliki
cukup senjata untuk menyerang tulisan S. Eben Kirksey. Hal itu melibatkan
banyak aspek dan banyak tersangka untuk dikupas. Selain itu, kita juga perlu
memahami masalah tersebut secara lebih dalam. Maka dari itu, pengumpulan
data-data merupakan langkah yang wajib di minggu ini.
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